Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Geva Workshop/Preparing Speech Cards

Today we will be participating in a workshop with our guest speakers from Geva. Please make sure that you completely fill out and turn in the field trip permission form for our trip on Thursday. You will be missing periods 5-8, so please make sure you make up that work and let your teachers know you will be missing.

Please dress appropriately for the weather (we will be walking to Geva) and the theatre.
Please bring a bagged lunch (as you will miss your lunch period).

During 4th period, we are going to prepare our speeches. Print out your speech (your computer should print now--we've had them fixed) - print out a copy of your speech. You may wish to increase the size of the font so that you can easily read the speech. 14 point font should be fine.

With your script, I encourage you to highlight or find the key sentences--the sentences that are most important. What MUST your audience hear?

Now, using the index cards provided and a pair of scissors, cut up your speech into parts. Physically. Use the scissors to cut paragraphs or your key sentences, then glue or tape the speech to the cards. Keep your cards safe (as you will rehearse your speech from these) -- you will turn these in at the end of your performance.

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