Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Holiday!

Today, there are various activities you can enjoy. On the link page are some places to go for on-line games. I recommend gathering in groups and playing the card games available. Spend some time in respectful play and companionship. Practice your communication skills.

On Line Games

And more on line games

A Holiday in the Projects (The show the PJ's)

PJ's - Part One
PJ's - Part Two
PJ's - Part Three

And a classic holiday movie: Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol: Part One
Christmas Carol: Part Two
Christmas Carol: Part Three
Christmas Carol: Part Four
Christmas Carol: Part Five
Christmas Carol: Part Six

Monday, December 13, 2010

Group Performance

3rd period:Please watch this group performance video: Take note of the group performance techniques that make this performance effective.

Your group piece should include a choral line that all group members speak and include blocking: gestures, body positions, pantomime, etc. to enhance the performance.

Please complete the writing of your performance poem. During 4th period, we will be rehearsing this poem. If you have already completed the draft, please rehearse during period 3.

Next class we will rehearse and begin performing our group pieces for the class.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Coffee House Response!

Congratulations, Freshmen!

You have successfully completed a public performance. I hope you enjoyed the coffee house and will participate in future ones.

Part of our goal this year is for you to get to know your strengths and weaknesses by completing a myriad of assignments, projects, and performances. Self reflection is an important component to learning. As such, please write a comment on:

How you felt you did last night as a performance. If you had to do it over again, what would you do differently? What did you learn about public speaking by performing your writing last night? What surprised you about the performance? Who's performance did you particularly enjoy? Did you notice anything different between the Freshman performances and the other Creative Writing performances? What did your parents say or think about the performance?

Afterward, please continue to practice and write your group slam piece. That's all. No homework. Congratulations again!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Picking & Preparing Your Piece(s)

Today during 3rd period, please select and prepare (mark up) your coffeehouse reading selections. When you are done marking your work, please get with another (or more) student(s) and take turns rehearsing.

During 4th period, please gather with your slam group and continue working on your slam group pieces.

The Graveyard Book - Discussion Questions

  In your discussion groups, please answer 5 of the 10 discussion questions. Choose a member of your group to record your answers. Make sure...