EQ: How does plot contribute to the narrative of Stephen King's Misery? What advice does Stephen King give to young writers & how can you use it to improve your writing?
After screening Misery, take a moment to choose a partner or two (up to a maximum of 3!) to discuss the effective use of suspense in the story. Using the index cards provided to create a major plot sequence from what you remember about the film and story. Choose either Annie Wilkes or Paul Sheldon. Try to come up with 3-5 plot events detailing how either Annie Wilkes or Paul Sheldon face a problem and what happens to complicate the situation (a BUT, Oops, WHEN, or SUDDENLY, etc.) and whether or not they succeed. Turn in your cards for participation credit at the end of this lesson.
For example:
After screening Misery, take a moment to choose a partner or two (up to a maximum of 3!) to discuss the effective use of suspense in the story. Using the index cards provided to create a major plot sequence from what you remember about the film and story. Choose either Annie Wilkes or Paul Sheldon. Try to come up with 3-5 plot events detailing how either Annie Wilkes or Paul Sheldon face a problem and what happens to complicate the situation (a BUT, Oops, WHEN, or SUDDENLY, etc.) and whether or not they succeed. Turn in your cards for participation credit at the end of this lesson.
For example:
- Paul Sheldon leaves his hotel during a snow storm because he finished his new novel, BUT (or SUDDENLY) he crashes his car.
- Annie Wilkes rescues Paul Sheldon, BUT she doesn't take him to the hospital because of the storm.
Read Stephen King's section on "On Writing" together. Complete the writing exercises as instructed in your journal. When instructed, use the scenario King sets out for you and write a draft of that story. This is a writing exercise, so flex those creative muscles. We'll finish your draft next class.
HOMEWORK: Read the packet "On Writing" by Stephen King. As you read, annotate and take note of the key ideas he advises writers to accomplish. Bring your packet back with you next class with your annotations so we can discuss key ideas (there may even be a quiz on the material!) Complete the reading of this section. You may also continue to write your story draft as well.