Monday, June 13, 2016

Porfolio Due!

Please complete and turn in your portfolio today.

Have a great summer and a productive finals week! See you in the fall!


Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Wizard of Earthsea Test; Library; Portfolio

After your test on A Wizard of Earthsea, please return all books to the library. Then, go to the lab and work on your portfolio. I am collecting your journals today. Please turn these in.


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Portfolio; Journal; A Wizard of Earthsea

Today, please work on your portfolio or journal or reading and completing A Wizard of Earthsea. If you completed your writing notes on the book, please turn this in for participation credit. There will be a quiz on the book next class. You should know major characters, major plot events, consider the metaphorical meaning of true names and the shadow, know the setting and important places in Earthsea, and be able to discuss how Ged's journey is a hero's journey and what plot archetypes are found within the book with examples: the quest, the adventure, the pursuit/chase, the escape, the romance, the coming-of-age, the transformation, or the metamorphosis archetypes...

Use your notes to study for the test.

HOMEWORK: Complete all work. Test on A Wizard of Earthsea next class. Please bring your books (or any books you still have not yet returned to the library!)

Friday, June 3, 2016

Fantasy Story Draft Due! Portfolio!

Please complete your fantasy story drafts today. If you finish early, please either use the time to read A Wizard of Earthsea (a test on this book will happen next week) or work on your portfolio.

HOMEWORK: As above. Complete A Wizard of Earthsea.

The Graveyard Book - Discussion Questions

  In your discussion groups, please answer 5 of the 10 discussion questions. Choose a member of your group to record your answers. Make sure...