Use the time in the lab today to work on your portfolios. Get together in small groups to complete any workshop and feedback with peers today. Additionally, check this for what's due Friday:
- Complete the handout on the Book Industry. This assignment begins/introduces you to our course for next year in Media Studies (Creative Journalism). Please read the chapter and answer the 5 questions for Friday, June 14.
- Your writing journal.
- All blog posts for your 2018-2019 blog.
- Your final portfolio (worth 20% of your final grade for this course)
- Any late or missing work.
EXTRA CREDIT: Write a review on YOUR blog for The Martian Chronicles. Remember you may submit your extra credit science fiction/fantasy story Friday for extra credit for the marking period. Our last class is Friday.
Please return all textbooks to the library.
HOMEWORK: See above. Final portfolios are due Friday, along with your physical writing journal and all missing blog posts or missing assignments. Extra credit is due as well.