Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Creative Writing Rubric

Here's a glimpse of our creative writing rubric.

4 = Exemplary (A+)
3 = Accomplished (B - A)
2 = Promising (C+ - B-)
1 = Beginning (D - C)
0 = Missing

4 = Work is exemplary with no errors in formatting; grammar and punctuation is effective and accurate; sentence structure is artistic, relevant and creative--the piece flows and is thought provoking. Literary elements abound and are used artistically to create a desired effect. Work shows careful attention to detail and demonstrates artful skill. Work exceeds assigned task--author goes above and beyond requirements to create an artistic, creative piece. Work is original, thoughtful, and very creative (Student thinks outside the box.) Uses lab time effectively and efficiently, completing excellent work on time and moving on to other projects ahead of schedule. Keeps focus on writing and class assignments/projects.

3 = Writing is presentable, few or minor errors in formatting; few errors in grammar and punctuation occur, but the work is understandable and easily understood; sentence structure is varied and attempts to create an artistic style, although there may be gaps. Literary elements are used occasionally to some effect, but piece may not be as strong as exemplary models. Work shows attention to detail but not as much as exemplary models. Work achieves assigned task. Work is creative overall, but may have some gaps. Uses lab time to accomplish required tasks. Often keeps focus on writing and class assignments/projects.

2 = Writing is presentable, although some errors in formatting occur; while common errors in grammar and punctuation occur, the work is not unintelligible or overly difficult to understand. Sentence structure is appropriate, but not necessarily effective. Literary elements are unconsciously used or used but with little effect. Work shows some attention to detail, but work has some gaps. Work attempts to complete assigned task, but may fall short. Work is somewhat creative, but may be typical for age or level. Uses lab time somewhat. Sometimes keeps focus on writing and class assignments/projects.

1 = Writing is not presentable (not typed) or work is not formatted correctly. Many errors in grammar and punctuation occur that makes reading or comprehension difficult. Little understanding of sentence structure occurs. Work lacks literary devices (work is too abstract, cliche, undeveloped, etc.) Very little attention to detail, work seems hastily or quickly composed. Work is incomplete or fails to accomplish required task. Work lacks sensitivity to the creative impulse, relies too heavily on abstract and standard or ordinary thought, plot, characters, themes, settings, etc. Work implies skill level below grade level. Often needs to be prodded to work in the lab or is distracting to others. Rarelyi keeps focus on writing and class assignments/projects.

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