Monday, November 25, 2013

Character Driven Fiction Draft

Using your character you created last class, write a story using your character as your PROTAGONIST (the main character of your story). 

Use the graphic organizers I handed out during class to help you plan and brainstorm your story. When you have completed your graphic organizers, choose a genre that you would like to use and write the first draft of your story. Turn in your draft at the end of today's class. You have two periods to work on your draft. Stories should be at least 1 page in length (but may be more, depending on how much you can write). 

HOMEWORK: Please create a second draft of your story by fleshing out some of the details and add additional scenes that make your plot more interesting or complicated. Add secondary characters and a theme as needed. Call this writing DRAFT #2. Journals will be collected after Thanksgiving break (Dec. 3).

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Coffeehouse Response

Congratulations, Freshmen!

You have successfully completed a public performance. I hope you enjoyed the coffee house and will participate in future ones.

Part of our goal this year is for you to get to know your strengths and weaknesses by completing a myriad of assignments, projects, and performances. Self reflection is an important component to learning.

How you felt you did last night as a performance. If you had to do it over again, what would you do differently? What did you learn about public speaking by performing your writing last night? What surprised you about the performance? Who's performance did you particularly enjoy? Did you notice anything different between the Freshman performances and the other Creative Writing performances? What did your parents say or think about the performance? What would you do differently the next time you perform a speech or public reading? What advice would you give other performers?

This morning, please take the first period (3rd period) to respond and comment to your coffehouse performance.

During 4th period, please complete the following task:

Create a character.

Use the handouts/graphics to design a character, then use your artistic ability to create a character for yourself.

When you have created your character, write an important story about your creation. Use the graphic organizers to help you plan and brainstorm your story. Then, after completing the graphic organizers and planning your story, begin writing it. Your story will be due before our break (Nov. 26)

HOMEWORK: None. Journals will be collected after Thanksgiving break (Dec. 4).

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Coffeehouse Rehearsal

Please go to the Ensemble Theater this morning to rehearse for the coffeehouse performance on Thursday (tomorrow), Nov. 21 at 7:00. It is a good idea to arrive at the theater about 15 minutes BEFORE 7:00 so you can get settled and prepare for the performance.

The Coffeehouse performance is a requirement of Performance, Word & Text.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

12 Angry Men Quiz; Coffeehouse Rehearsal

After our quiz on 12 Angry Men, please bring your coffeehouse reading selection(s) to the black box theater to rehearse.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

12 Angry Men

Please continue reading this play in class. Whatever you don't read, please finish over the weekend. There will be a quiz on the play.

HOMEWORK: Please complete 12 Angry Men.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Coffeehouse Preparation

During period 3, please select 1-2 pieces of your best writing that you would like to share at the upcoming coffeehouse reading. Print out your copies and bring them with you to the next room (238). We will spend our time preparing these works.

During period 4, we will pick up the play 12 Angry Men and begin reading it in room 238.

HOMEWORK: None. Please bring your play scripts with you to next class.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

39 Steps & the Lab

Our coffeehouse performance is coming up: November 21 at 7:00 in the Ensemble Theatre.

If you are attending the 39 Steps field trip, please do so. If you are left behind because you did not complete the proper paperwork, I'm sorry for you. Use the time in the lab to get caught up with all of your school work (particularly for creative writing). Prepare a selection to read at the coffeehouse.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Thief of Always Test; Writing & Practice for Coffeehouse

Please turn in your homework (chapter 6 ?'s). You will take a test on The Thief of Always today. After the test, please complete the following work:

Choose one of the prompts and write:
1) Describe a “first” (first apartment, first kiss, first time driving a car, first lie, first big success, first roller coaster ride, first time in this setting). Include as many details as possible, being sure to include an aspect relating to each of the five senses.

2) Describe a memorable event, positive or negative, and how it felt to you, but do not name the feeling. Instead, tell how it felt in your body (damp hands, metallic taste, tight throat, wobbly knees, etc.).

3) Create a story using words of one-syllable only, beginning with a phrase such as:
“The last time I saw her, she...”
“From the back of the truck...”
“On the night of the full moon...”
“The one thing I know for sure…”

4) Describe a significant place, allowing the details to reveal why the place matters. Describe it from a tree or rooftop or from a hawk’s point of view. Describe it from the height of a dog or a turtle.

5) Describe a significant person (teacher, neighbor, mentor, coach, parent, sibling, sweetheart) with as many physical details as possible, but no clichés! (If you’ve heard the expression before, don’t use it.)

6) Write about your first name—why you were given it, what associations or stories are attached to it, what you think or know it means. Do the same for your last name. Given the chance, what name would you give yourself?

7) Describe a presence in your house (childhood home/current place of residence)—a person, a pet, a piece of furniture, an illness, a secret. Use all five senses. Be as detailed as possible.

8) Recall a photograph from your life and describe it in a way that suggests (but doesn’t specifically name) why it matters. (Remember the creative writer’s adage, “Show, don’t tell.”) Describe what happened either just before or just after the photo was taken.

9) Narrate a story about a person or a family member, a story that’s been passed down or ritualized; a story about yourself. Embellish, if so desired, or contrast the story with what you know to be the “true” account.

10) Describe a routine or holiday ritual, using present tense verbs. You may also use second person POV pronouns ("You") if you'd like.
When ALL students are done with the test, please hand your test in (and any permission slips for our upcoming field trip Thursday--due today!) Then, get into small groups of 4-5 and read or rehearse any creative writing you think you'd like to share at our upcoming coffeehouse. Use this time to practice! No, really. Practice. Get feedback from your peers about your effectiveness and performance.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Building Confidence; Preparing Material for the Coffeehouse

Use 3rd period to:
  • Type up and prepare any writing prompt exercise you wrote for The Thief of Always. Please turn in a copy of your work (as many pieces as you type up). Save a copy for period 4 as well.
  • Select up to 3 pieces of writing you have completed in either Ms. Gamzon or my creative writing class that you would be interested in sharing/performing at the coffeehouse on Nov. 21 at 7:00 in the Ensemble theater.
During period 4:
  • Please get in the following groups and share your writing with each other.
  • Please listen and provide positive feedback to each performer/sharer. This begins your practice for the upcoming Coffeehouse.
  • Please participate and work together in your groups effectively.
Group 1: Cameron, Jahde, Hetep, Amanda, Janelys, Justice, Alannah
Group 2: Avana, Olivia, Robert, Leilanis, Frieda, Gilda, Reyenne
Group 3: Rosalia, Kami, Jasmina, Rashid, Nandi, Aslin

Read your work to the other members of your group. You must share AT LEAST ONE piece with your group. You MAY share more. Soon you will decide which piece(s) to perform at the coffeehouse.

If you finish early, you may choose either option:
A. Continue/complete your reading of The Thief of Always.
B. Begin reading the chapter on Building Confidence and completing the 10 Review Questions (due as homework for next class)

HOMEWORK: There will be a test on The Thief of Always next class (Tuesday, Nov. 5). Please complete the novel and study the basic plot, characters, use of motifs (see previous posts), etc.

Read the chapter "Building Confidence" and answer the 10 Review Questions. Due Nov. 5.

The Graveyard Book - Discussion Questions

  In your discussion groups, please answer 5 of the 10 discussion questions. Choose a member of your group to record your answers. Make sure...