Thursday, September 25, 2014

Preparing Your Speech; Tips for Rehearsing

Please watch the following two videos. Be prepared to discuss what you've learned with a partner after viewing.

Tips for Rehearsing Your Speech

In the lab, please print out a copy of your speech (you should have finished it by now). Get into a small group of 2-3 people. Find a space in one of the two rooms and read/perform your speech for your audience.

In about twenty minutes, I will ask you to change/shift groups. Please go to your new groups and read/perform your speech.

After another twenty minutes we will switch again. Read or perform your speech as many times as possible.

With the last 20 minutes please prepare your speech for performance Tuesday.

To do this, follow these procedures:
  1. Cut out your speech and adhere or fix it to index cards. 
  2. Memorize your key points or topic sentences.
  3. Mark, underline, highlight important details in your speech.
  4. Rehearse your speech. Go over and over it so that you are comfortable with what you have to say and how you transition between each speaker.
  5. Volunteers will go first, then random selection.  
REMEMBER: Effective performance is based on a few things:
  • 1. Preparation (rehearsal) -- knowing what you are saying and why.
  • 2. Voice (how you sound: volume, pacing, pitch, tone, elocution, and appropriateness of voice)
  • 3. Character (how you portray a character both vocally and physically)
  • 4. Energy
  • 5. Making choices. A good performer makes deliberate choices about voice, character, energy, tone, and rehearses these choices to deliver a solid performance.
HOMEWORK: Rehearse your speech for your performance Tuesday. Be prepared to deliver your speech next class!

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