Thursday, January 8, 2015

Setting Research; Fences Act 1, Scene 1

RESEARCH: Start class off today by researching the following items. In your journal, write down your answers. You should be able to relate the research to Fences.

Please research and find information about:

In 1918 when Troy Maxson is your age (about 14), he leaves the South for Pittsburgh. His father was a sharecropper. What is a sharecropper? What was life like for a sharecropper in the South? How did the system of sharecropping entrap people? How could a person escape that life? Read about sharecropping here.

Troy also was involved with the Negro League when he was younger. What is that? Look here to find out! Then also, find out who Jackie Robinson and Satchel Paige were. Why might they be important role models for us today?
The setting of this play is 1957. Please research and find some information about this time period. Some questions to help guide your research are:
  • What were the social, economic, political and educational expectations and opportunities for African Americans at this time?
  • What advances had been made in civil rights?
  • What significant changes will occur in America during the years between 1957 and 1965?
Some links to help you answer this question are posted here:

Images of the civil rights movement
Images of “the children’s crusade" of the civil rights movement
Timeline of the civil rights movement

After 20-25 minutes of research online and taking notes in your journal, please join up with the partners you chose last class and discuss what you found out about:
1. The Negro League
2. Sharecroppers
3. 1957 and the civil rights movement.

THEN: After discussing what you found with your group, please continue reading Act 1, Scene 1 today in class. When you have completed this scene together in your reading groups, please stop and do the following activities:
A. Before you sketch, discuss with your group what you learned about the SETTING of this play (the research you did today), and some of the important events that might shape the characters in this play. Which characters seem most affected?
B.  Then alone (but with the support and help of your group members), complete this task in class:

1. Choose one of the characters in scene one: Troy, Bono, Rose, or Lyons.
2. Sketch a character portrait or character sketch of your chosen character on one of the index cards given to you today.
3. Indicate lines and words from scene one that help describe and characterize the character you chose. Your peers can help you find examples of this in the script, if you need assistance.

When an author develops a character, he/she relies on characterizationCharacterization is based on four distinct things:
  • What a character says or thinks about him/herself
  • What another character says or thinks about the character
  • What the character does (the actions the character does and the choices he/she makes)
  • The details or physical description the author or narrator gives us. In this case, what is revealed in the STAGE DIRECTIONS of the play script. 
On your picture, please make sure you have found words/description/lines from the text that support your examination of characterization. Please turn in your portrait by the end of class for participation credit OR complete as homework.

HOMEWORK: If your group did not finish reading Act 1, Scene 1 or you did not complete the character sketch assignment, please complete these tasks as homework and turn in next class. 

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