Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Short Story #3; Preparing Your MP1 Portfolio; Journals Due!

Sudden Fiction: "Gerald's Song" pp. 186-189

Period 3: (Short Story #3)
  • "A Questionnaire for Rudolph Gordon" (pg. 83-85); Write a short story using only interrogative pronouns (who, what, where, when, how, why or other interrogative stems like "could you, would you, will you, or do you..."); Address your questionnaire to a specific person.
  • "Class Notes" (pg. 122-125); Write class notes for your Class of 2022. Tell us in a newsletter style story what happened to all your classmates 30 years from graduation. Make sure you CHANGE the names of your peers before submitting your assignment.
  • "Gerald's Song" (186-189): choose a song (google lyrics for example) and use lines from the song between scenes of your story. Lyrics might reflect or comment on the plot or contrast/contribute to character development or theme...
Write another story draft. This one is #3 if you're counting: 500-word short story, hit-man/popular mechanics based story idea, and...this one. 

Honor writing time!

Turn in your journal today.

At the end of period 4 (roughly about 10:15) we'll go to the lab to print out drafts of your poetry, speeches, non-fiction, fiction that you have written this marking period.

HOMEWORK: Complete your draft of your third short story. Choose a short story, 2-3 poems, a speech (expository speech, etc.) or your baseline essay (nonfiction) from your writing. Complete "Sudden Fiction" (pp. 190-223)

Extra Credit Option for MP1 (due Friday, end of class period): For extra credit, complete a 4th or 5th draft of a short story or a new draft of a poem (new poem) that you haven't written yet. NOTE: extra credit does not replace a writing assignment. It is the icing on the cake. It is not the cake itself, figuratively.

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