Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Sketch Writing Project

Write your sketch. Use the time given to you in class today to write your sketch draft. Your draft should be at least 3 full pages (but can be longer). The typical sketch is about 5-6 pages in length.

See the handout regarding play script format. Once you complete your draft, please proofread, correct your grammar and format, and upload to the Google classroom.

If you finish early:

Option A:
  • Write a second sketch of your choice. Your sketch will count for your writing portfolio (final) and count as extra credit.
Option B:
Option C:
  • Complete your homework (see below).
HOMEWORK: Our next play will be Fences by August Wilson. It deals with Troy Maxson and his family in Pittsburgh, 1957.
Please research and take notes in your journal to find information about:

1. August Wilson is a famous playwright. Find out about him at this link.
2. In 1918 when Troy Maxson is your age (about 14), he leaves the South for Pittsburgh. His father was a sharecropper. What is a sharecropper? What was life like for a sharecropper in the South? How did the system of sharecropping entrap people? How could a person escape that life? Read about it here.
3. The Negro League (What was it? What happened to it? Why was it created? etc.)
4. Jackie Robinson & Satchel Paige (who are these ballplayers?)
5. The setting of this play is 1957. Please research and find information about this time period. Some questions to help guide your research are:
  • What were the social, economic, political and educational expectations and opportunities for African Americans at this time?
  • What advances had been made in civil rights?
  • What significant changes will occur in America during the years between 1957 and 1965?
Some links to help prepare you (feel free to take notes on the following):

Images of the civil rights movement
Images of “the children’s crusade" of the civil rights movement
Timeline of the civil rights movement

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