Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Coffeehouse Response!

Congratulations, Freshmen!

You have successfully completed a public performance. I hope you enjoyed the coffee house and will participate in future ones.

Part of our goal this year is for you to get to know your strengths and weaknesses by completing a myriad of assignments, projects, and performances. Self reflection is an important component to learning. As such, please post a comment on:

How you felt you did last night as a performance. If you had to do it over again, what would you do differently? What did you learn about public speaking by performing your writing last night? What suprised you about the performance? Who's performance did you particularly enjoy? Did you notice anything different between the Freshman performances and the other Creative Writing performances? What did your parents say or think about the performance?

(You may post your comment on this blog entry, if you'd like)

Done before 4th period? Please continue working on your horror stories. Aim to complete these drafts by Tuesday, Nov. 24.

4th period we will deliver more speeches in room a240. Those students who have not yet delivered their speeches, please prepare to peform them today.


DES GIDDSAY?! said...
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zoe said...

I think that I did alright in the Coffeehouse reading. I think I stuttered on one or two word and read too fast on some, and didn't pause for the transitions as you had suggested. I could've been more sarcastic, but I had been practicing to myself, and I thought the end result was pretty nice.

erin cotton said...

the coffee house was a great experience!! i really enjoyed sharing my work with everyone and their families!!! i got a lot of positive feed back from my family and others! i had a good time and would do it again and again

Unknown said...

Last night was really fun, I thought it would be a lot worse than it actually was. I would love to do it again!!! Jamal was the best MC alive. I can't wait until the coffee house in May.

Mrs. Twit said...

I thought that the coffee house reading performance went exceptionally well. As always I am my own worse critic and I think I could have done better but the rest of the grade was amazing. AMAZING. I am so proud of the whole ninth grade. It was a really fun thing to do and I had a really good time. It makes me smile when I think that I go to a school full of so much talent. :)

TaylorElizabeth said...

I feel that I did a really good performance last night. If I had to do it over again, I think I would perfect my timing a little bit and I’d make the flow a little more natural. I learned that if a fictional piece is well-written, the audience will question if it is based on truth (I got asked quite a few times after my performance if I’d lost my mother due to a brain tumor). I was surprised at my nerves, despite my past experience on the stage. I particularly enjoyed Angela Rollins’s piece – I found it very believable and every time I’ve listened to it, I’ve noticed another detail and I’ve continued to enjoy it more and more each time. I noticed that the other Creative Writing performances seemed a little more comfortable. I got a lot of compliments on my performance as well as positive feedback on everyone else who performed after the show.

Cassidy Rose said...

I would've read the speech a little differently. There were points that I could've emphasized differently. But overall, I loved performing.
The bark is worse than the bite. You are much more nervous before the performance, and leading up to it, then you are on stage. It's actually very fun.
I didn't know Jahmal was MCing. He makes me relax, he is definitely fun to have as an MC.
I loved Angela R.'s, Gus's, Maddy's Taylor's, Desire's, Shannon's, and I loved Mary Rice's family story.
We were much more nervous and this was new to us. There were also more of us.
Both of my parents, siblings, friends, and my boyfriend all told me I did great, and that the performance was fantastic. I am very proud to have participated in this reading.

doyouknowtylerdurden said...

I was really, really nervous before I went up to read my poem. But once I got up there, it wasn't that bad. It was really fun. I think everyone in our class did great! :]

Mrs. Twit said...


izzeduh!! said...

It was really effin cool i can't believe i made it. i stuttered one time but it's cool.i think everyone did a really great job and i can't wait until next time to do this again

Gabi! said...

I didn't start getting nervous until the person before me walked on stage. I knew I couldn't do anything about it so I tried to suck it up and get on with it. Then I realized no one important was really there so afterward I felt fine. Overall I thought it was nice to hear other people's pieces and how they performed.

Angela Rollins said...

I was very proud of the9th grade Creative Writing majors last night. I believe even those who had been terrified of speaking in front of so many people did a very good job, myself included. If I had to do it again I would probably use the steps to get onto the stage, which looks more professional, and I would practice using a mic first. I believe I sometimes stood to close to the mic, and sometimes stood to far away.The other grades were more confident with their work and some were able to perform it better, but I believe the 9th graders had a good stage presence as well. My father was very surprised at how well the performances were and how each piece seemed to involve death or something on the darker side of life.

Angela Boyle said...

I felt terrified. I was really nervous... until I got up on stage and started reading.I wouldn't do anything different.I learned that public speaking is more fun than I thought... but it is really nerve wracking. I didn't get to stay to see anybody other than me... Sorry. But I'm sure everyone did great =] Well, they left after I read so...

DES GIDDSAY?! said...

I think I did really well, I messed up a few times, since my piece was typed up in green. I think I was more nervous before I went on, then I was when I actually got up there. Everyone did so well, I was actually expecting a lot more mess ups. I think Evan did really well, he memorized it, and I wasn't expecting it from him. I think the Freshman did just as well as everyone else, which was shocking. My mom didn't go, so she didn't say anything! Hazah!

Nora Cooper said...

When I read last night, I picked a shorter piece to read. It was typically very "safe," with very little character development, nothing tricky. Because of this, I expected my piece to be glowing, which I would not consider it to be, so I was a little disappointed in myself. Whether it was because of the material or my reading, I'm not really sure. Also, I was unsure if I was speaking too loudly into the microphone, and vise versa. However, for the amount of nervousness that night, I was certain someone would completely mess up, which no one did. Congrats, guys!

Desia G. said...

Last night I was so excited whether than nervous! I was very proud of myself because I really worked hard on it. The creative writing department did a great job with putting the whole thing together! Next time encourage that we tape the performance so therefore we(the performers)can see whole thing. Due to the Coffeehouse Reading, I think that I will be okay doing more public readings.

doyouknowtylerdurden said...

Oh, and Jamal was THE MOST AMAZING MC EVER. :]

Mariah Gonzalez said...

Th coffeehouse reading was suprisingly fun. I think my performance was fairly good. I was a little nervous but over all I think I did fine. We had a very good audience which was helpful. Over all I think everyone did swell for our first performance.

Maddy. said...

Well. I thought I did pretty well on my performance, I did. I was surprised that there was a podium with a microphone, which I thought sort of took away from the whole performance aspect of the program, but it also helped soothe my nerves, because it gave me something to hide behind. Heh. I think next time, I'll go out to center stage, where I'll move around.

My parents liked the whole thing, especially Jahmal, the MC.

Anonymous said...

I had a great time reading and seeing my friends family. I loved the food and the Oreos were SOOOOOO GOOOOD. I enjoyed everyone's performance!!

TaylorElizabeth said...

I also enjoyed have Jahmal as our MC. I know it made me more comfortable and I think other performers experienced the same as well. He was very funny and it was nice to have someone lighten the mood after a sadder piece was performed, as well as encourage the "applause"

ashleylwsn890 said...

Ashley Lawson

1.) I felt that i did well last night. Besides being nervous, I performed very well.

2.) I would make my poem longer. I deliberately chose something short, so that i would not be up on the stage for a long time. Nevertheless, after i was done, i wished that i could have read something longer.

3.) I learned that public speaking isn't as nerve wracking as I thought. If i just get up there, and read what i prepared, and according to my friend, just don't care what people think about it, i will be fine. Of course i was tense; this was my first time.

4.) Everyone doing pretty good on stage surprised me.

5.) I particularly enjoyed Angela Rollins' performance, and Temielle Fruster's performance.

6.) My parents loved them.

Anonymous said...
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kaisean14 said...

I felt that last night’s performance was fun and interesting, the performances were really good. Even if I heard them about 3 times lol. But, if I had to change anything about last night, it would be mainly my story the first time because I had trouble reading it in the light and I repeated some stuff and I literally skipped a whole paragraph, yes a whole paragraph in my story. I learn that performing might look hard at first when other people are performing, but when you get up on stage, it gets fun sometimes. I particularly like enjoyed Tamille and Carolyn’s performance . I’m a fan of slam poetry, and everyone did an awesome job. I noticed there was somewhat a pattern in the performance. How there was serious piece of writing, then there was a humorous almost right after. My parents didn’t come so…

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the Coffee House reading and i would love to do it again. The Oreos with the chocolate were soooooo gooooood!!!! I think everyone did an excellent job and it was nice to watch my peers perform and their families watching. i cant wait to do it again

Gus said...

Last night. Ah, last night. The build up was around five times worse than the actual readings, and everyone did a fantastic job considering next to no one was particularly *excited* about it.

Personally, I would've tried to give a little more expression and gestures, as I think I could've gotten more into my piece(s). I would've worked on walking around the stage in a less distracting manner, as the slight movements of back and forth were mainly just to counter my legs shaking. I also realized that when you're up there and the lights are shining you can barely see anyone in the audience anyway, and this made it a little easier and more comfortable for me to perform.

I was pleasantly surprised that everyone (yes, everyone) showed next to zero nervousness on stage. It seemed like once they got up on stage they realized there was no turning back and got more comfortable. I thought everyone's performances were stellar, but I especially enjoyed the short interjections of humor in My and Cassidy's speeches, because it seemed quite a few people wrote (no less amazing) pieces on rather, hmm, depressing topics.

I thought the Freshmen held their own on stage, and while some of the older students were quite good and more comfortable, it was not a humongous leap. My mom attended the performance and was enthralled by all the performances, and amazed at the amount of talent present. Congrats to everyone who performed.

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