Monday, October 29, 2012

Emotional Tones

Humans often communicate through tone. Here is a list of various emotions a human being can have. With a partner, read over the list and discuss how a person sounds when feeling this emotion. Additionally, what ACTIONS or body gestures does the person make when feeling this emotion.

For example: How does a person sound fearful? What happens to a person's voice when he/she is afraid? Also: what does a person DO physically when he/she is afraid? What facial expressions or gestures does the person use to convey this emotion?
  • Fear → feeling afraid. Other words are terror (strong fear), shock, phobia
  • Anger → feeling angry. A stronger word is rage.
  • Sadness → feeling sad. Other words are sorrow, grief (a stronger feeling, for example when someone has died) or depression (feeling sad for a long time). Some people think depression is a different emotion.
  • Joy → feeling happy. Other words are happiness, gladness.
  • Disgust → feeling something is wrong or dirty
  • Trust → a positive emotion; admiration is stronger; acceptance is weaker
  • Anticipation → in the sense of looking forward positively to something which is going to happen. Expectation is more neutral.
  • Surprise → how one feels when something unexpected happens
  • Calmness (not feeling excited; opposite of anger)
  • Friendship (Love), opposite enmity (feeling hate)
  • confident (having no fear)
  • Shame, opposite shamelessness (shame: how one feels about one's past bad actions or thoughts; shamelessness: one does not feel shame, but others think one should.)
  • Kindness (benevolence), opposite unkindness (kindness: when people are good to other people)
  • Pity (when people feel sorry for other people)
  • Indignation (feeling angry because something is not fair, such as undeserved good fortune)
  • Envy, jealous (pain when people have something that one wishes for oneself) 
  • wonder - surprise
  • amusement - opposite emotion: weariness
  • courage - opposite emotion: timidity or cowardice
  • pity - opposite emotion: cruelty
  • pride - opposite emotion: modesty- shame
  • closeness - opposite emotion: detachment
  • complaint/pain
  • patience
  • relaxed - opposite emotion: stressed
Writing Activity: choose one of these emotions and write a poem that specifically uses this emotion. Use specific words that suggest the emotion, but NEVER name or say the emotion in the poem. Let diction and word choice convey the feeling, rather than telling the audience what the persona is feeling.

This is what we mean when we say: show, don't tell in your writing.

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