Thursday, May 8, 2014

Documentary Project: Day 2

Today in the lab, please complete the following tasks:

1. Research your topic. Remember to record where you are taking your information from!

2. Write your voice-over script or 1 page of questions to ask interviewees for your documentary. Turn this in by the end of class today. Note: A Voice over script should include the information you found out about from your research and should be about half a page to a full page of text.

3. Begin pulling stock footage from the internet: jpgs or picture files that correspond or go with your subject.

4. If you are ready to film and can interview subjects this weekend, you can use your own equipment (phones, cameras, etc.) or you may sign out 1 of the 4 cameras we have available. Today, see Ms. Gamzon to do this. Cameras can be picked up at the END of the day (end of 9th period) in room 239. Please return cameras BEFORE school on the following day (whether or not you used the camera).

Please Note: ALL CAMERAS MUST BE TURNED IN TO MS. GAMZON OR MR. CRADDOCK THE FOLLOWING DAY! We have several classes borrowing this equipment. You are entirely responsible for keeping the equipment in good condition. If you break a camera, you've bought it and your parents will have to replace the camera. This has never happened (and I don't expect it to). Guard this equipment and treat it nicely!

5. Read. If you did not finish the reading homework (chapters 4-5 of Chew on This) spend some time in the lab to get caught up. See homework below!

HOMEWORK: Feel free to begin contacting people to interview. You may begin shooting as well, depending on your topic. Please read chapter 6 of Chew on This.

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