Please complete the following steps today in the lab:
iMovie only recognizes MP4 files. Which means if your camera or recording device does not use this format, you will need to convert the file to an MP4. To do that, use this online converter. It's free and simple, but does require an extra step. Once you convert the file, save it to your own desktop folder for your film project(s).
Online Converter
Keep Vid: This program will allow you to convert online movie files into mp4's that you can use.
If you need to sign out a camera (you can always use your own equipment (phones, cameras, etc.), see me or Ms. Gamzon to do this. Cameras can be picked up at the END of the day (end of 9th period) in room 239. Please return cameras BEFORE school on the following day (whether or not you used the camera).
Please Note: ALL CAMERAS MUST BE TURNED IN TO MS. GAMZON OR MR. CRADDOCK THE FOLLOWING DAY! We have several classes borrowing this equipment. You are entirely responsible for keeping the equipment in good condition. If you break a camera, you've bought it and your parents will have to replace the camera. This has never happened (and I don't expect it to). Guard this equipment and treat it nicely!
1. Upload your film footage. If you don't have film footage by now, you should aim to bring some by Monday's class! While you're waiting you can create your end credits and beginning titles. Get workin!
2. Continue pulling stock footage from the internet: jpgs or picture files that correspond or go with your subject. Use these images to help underscore main ideas and points in your film.
3. If you filmed any footage, please upload your MP4 file to iMovie. If you are using a camera that does not save your video footage as an MP4 file, you will need to covert it.Uploading film footage:
iMovie only recognizes MP4 files. Which means if your camera or recording device does not use this format, you will need to convert the file to an MP4. To do that, use this online converter. It's free and simple, but does require an extra step. Once you convert the file, save it to your own desktop folder for your film project(s).
Online Converter
Keep Vid: This program will allow you to convert online movie files into mp4's that you can use.
If you need to sign out a camera (you can always use your own equipment (phones, cameras, etc.), see me or Ms. Gamzon to do this. Cameras can be picked up at the END of the day (end of 9th period) in room 239. Please return cameras BEFORE school on the following day (whether or not you used the camera).
Please Note: ALL CAMERAS MUST BE TURNED IN TO MS. GAMZON OR MR. CRADDOCK THE FOLLOWING DAY! We have several classes borrowing this equipment. You are entirely responsible for keeping the equipment in good condition. If you break a camera, you've bought it and your parents will have to replace the camera. This has never happened (and I don't expect it to). Guard this equipment and treat it nicely!
4. Once you upload your footage, you can begin to edit it. Use your time in the lab to work on your film projects!
5. If you have nothing left to work on today, please read chapter 8-9 ("Your Way" and "Afterward") of Chew on This. This should complete the book! If you are behind in reading, please catch up.HOMEWORK: Continue contacting people to interview or plan to shoot your footage. Each day bring in some footage you shot so you can begin editing it. Complete Chew on This.
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