Sunday, September 9, 2018

Extemp Speech Exercise; Baseline Personal Essay

Today, let's start with a couple short motivational videos, then a short speech exercise. After this, we will work on our "baseline" personal essays. As you watch the two videos below, please take notes in your journal on anything you think is important. We'll check to see what the class thought right after viewing.

The Evolution of a Writer (2 min.)
What it takes to be a writer (8 min.)

TASK: Short extemporaneous (off the cuff) speech exercise:

Choose one of these 10 topics or create a topic of your own on which to speak. Here are some examples. Feel free to make up your own if you have a different or better idea.
1. How is social media [narrow the type] uniting the world? How is social media ruining the world? [pick one side and defend it]
2. Why is having a pet [specificy the type: dog, cat, goldfish, snake, horse, badger, etc.] better than having a brother/sister/parent/friend/grandparent/neighbor [pick one]?
3. The best kind of food in your opinion is... And explain why.
4. My wish for humanity is ________. And explain why.
5. Why we should be vegan/vegetarian/carnivores [pick one]. And explain why.
6. The best movie/video game/novel/tv series of all time will always be... And explain why.
7. If I were an animal/object, I'd want to be... And explain why.
8. How is money/religion/technology [pick one] the root of all evil in our society? How is money/religion/technology [pick one] the only thing we should be concerned about in our society? [pick one side and defend your position]
9. If I won the lottery I would: ____ And explain why.
10. What advice would I give to my parents before I was born? What advice would I give to them now?
Choose one topic. Review the video for tips on what you might include or how you might "write" and prepare your speech, then take 5 minutes to write your speech and deliver it to the class!

How to write a speech in 5 minutes (2 min.)

Use the index card(s) provided to you to "write" your speech. Come up with at least 3 examples or points to make that supports your "thesis", "claim", or "position".

TASK: After hearing each speech, please use the rest of the time today in class to work silently/alone on your baseline personal essay. Find the instructions to this assignment in our Google classroom. Personal essay DRAFTS are due by 9:15, Wednesday, September 12.

Write your draft. Consider the tips/advice you learned today to help motivate you to write! Avoid distracting your neighbor! Now is the time to write.

HOMEWORK: Complete your personal essay draft and load your Google doc into the Google form and submit it for credit by the beginning of next class. Directions for the assignment are on the Google form in Google classrooms. 

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