Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Welcome class of 2022!


Check this blog each class period for agendas, deadlines, educational information, advice, and a whole lot of links to enhance your education. All you have to do is read and click. You are responsible for reading and interacting with the material I post on the blog. It is a useful resource for the course (since we don't have a specific textbook)--so please use it. You can even see it on your cell phones (which you shouldn't have with you during class...)

New this year is my use of a Google Classroom. Assignments that can be turned in digitally (no printing!) will be posted in the Google Classroom. Go there now and enter this code: du25wr2

Make sure that when you are in class using a Chromebook that you do the following EACH DAY:
  • Log in. 
  • Open a TAB and go to our classroom BLOG:
  • Open a SECOND TAB and go to GOOGLE CLASSROOM:, etc.
  • Keep both TABS open during class or as instructed. It's also a good idea to open a THIRD TAB in Google to take class notes (or write class notes by hand if you prefer...) 
  • When using headphones (only as instructed please!) please make sure you have only one earbud in your ear at any time. Lower volume so that only you can hear what is being played. 
  • Cell phones should be put away at 7:30. If you need to use them for a class assignment, I will instruct you. Otherwise, put them away. Please note that cell phones are not to be used in the hallways/bathrooms either. Only use the pass for emergencies, please. 
  • After a class period next door, please plug your Chromebooks back into the cabinet. The Chrome symbol should appear at the top of the computer when you plug it in correctly. Do NOT leave them on your desk or somewhere else in the room. You may not take them home either. They remain in the classroom for all scheduled classes to use.
If you're absent or missed something in class, please check the blog to get caught up. As indicated above, each new class period usually includes a new post. If you have a question about an assignment and are too embarrassed to speak to me in public (or you have a question that you think you will forget to ask), feel free to use the comment section. It is, however, your responsibility to talk to me about your needs. This is your education. Make it worthwhile.

This morning, after covering our course criteria, complete this in-class activity: 
With a partner, discuss and create: 
A. a list of ways in which humans communicate (humans communicate through...) 
B. Reasons why humans communicate
This begins our first step as creative writing majors. It is important for us to examine how and why (and when), as human beings, we decide to communicate. Of course, communicating through writing is only one way we, as humans, communicate with one another. This course will cover areas of communication, the communication process, techniques of effective communication, along with performance skills, public speaking, and various writing projects (fiction, poetry, scripts, personal narrative, essays, etc.) If you go on to study the arts, literature, political science, divinity, history, business, advertising, marketing, teaching, law, journalism, communication, or media, you will definitely need a basic understanding of these concepts.

Our first speech will be rather short. On your index card, jot down any of the following answers to these personal questions:
  • What is one thing you want other people to know about you?
  • What do you want to do after you graduate?
  • What is one event that happened to you that changed your personality/outlook on life forever?
  • What is one thing you're proud of that you never told anyone?
  • What single event in your life has made you a better person?
  • If you could accomplish one thing in your life, what would you like it to be?
Answer some of these questions (at least one) and jot down at least 3 main points you would want to share with the class about your answers. When you are called, come up to the front of the room and share your answers in a short introductory speech. 

Start with an introduction: who are you? (what's your name, etc.) then hit your 3 main points. Try to sustain your short speech with some details. End your speech after your can thank us for listening, or leave us with something to remember, or inspire us with an image or detail that helps summarize your main points. 

With time remaining, we will begin our baseline non-fiction assignment in Google classrooms.

HOMEWORK: Complete a draft of your baseline assignment and submit your work from the system (Google Classrooms).

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