Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Thief of Always - Journal Activities

Please complete as many of these journal exercises as you would like. Put all work in your journal. Journals will be due at the end of the marking period.

Chapter One - three:
1. Pg. 2; Pick a month. Personify it. Explain why the month is monstrous or marvelous, etc.
2. Pg. 3; Write about your own route to school. What would a detective following your route to school and your day find. Describe where you go and what you do routinely.
3. Pg. 5; Describe what you would like to do with your time or life.
4. Pg. 8; make a list of questions that you would like answered. Start realistically, then begin asking questions a small child might ask or ask questions that seem odd or far-fetched and creative.
5. Pg. 22; What would be a fine thing to build in your life?
6. Pg. 22; Use infinitives to string a series of seemingly random thoughts together as in the first paragraph on page 22 (chapter 3). An infinitive is made by adding TO + VERB. Notice how Barker creates a rhythmic passage using semi-colons and infinitives.
7. Pg. 23; Describe a person’s face using a simile.
8. Pg. 25; Mrs. Griffin says, “Nothing’s perfect…because time passes…and the beetle and the worm find their way into everything sooner or later.” Consider the meaning of this statement. In your journal, list your own reasons why nothing is perfect.

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The Graveyard Book - Discussion Questions

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