Thursday, October 23, 2008

Coffee House - Personal Response

Congratulations, Freshmen!

You have successfully completed a public performance. I hope you enjoyed the coffee house and will participate in future ones.

Part of our goal this year is for you to get to know your strengths and weaknesses by completing a myriad of assignments, projects, and performances. Self reflection is an important component to learning. As such, please comment on:

How you felt you did last night as a performance. If you had to do it over again, what would you do differently? What did you learn about public speaking by performing your writing last night? What suprised you about the performance? Who's performance did you particularly enjoy? Did you notice anything different between the Freshman performances and the other Creative Writing performances? What did you parents say or think about the performance?


Wade said...

Last night, I felt I did well. If I had to do it over again, I would add in more movements, such as hand gestures, and walking around the stage. Last night, I learned that public speaking is a better way to expand your work around. Nothing that important suprised me, exept for the open mic portion. That was really good. Last night i engoyed the slam poem, and Jewls' peom. The other preformances were better to me, because the other preformances had more experience, and the poems were longer. My dad said that the preformace was good. he said that he was shocked, because that were many good performances.

alaina said...

It was very nerve wracking. i was nervous and seeing the seniors before me do so well was intimidating. i never want to do that again.

Aubrey said...

Well, I wasn't nervous at first. I was somewhat displeased with my piece though so I added a paragraph to it an hour before hand, marked it up and read it in the kitchen, it was much better, I came up with facial expressions and gestures to go with it. I got in the car and became more nervous. It was awful, I'm not one to get really nervous but I was getting kinda worked up. I got there. I had to go up but when I did, my gestures and expressions and marks seemed stupid. I didn't do the best I thought I could but I think I did okay.

thndrft said...

Last night was... very nice. I felt as if I did okay myself, and I think the group did an excellent job overall, and the audience was very responsive.

Val said...

I deem the evening a sucsess. It was entertaining listen to the poetry from differnt grade levels. Everyone did really well.Even though i was very anxious I made it through my piece. As a plus I didn't have a stroke on stage!

Kennethea said...

I think the Coffee House Reading was really fun, i enjoyed myself a lot. I was kind of nervous before i went up but once i got on the stage my butterflies went away (flied away). It was nice seeing the senior do her poetry slam poem. I wish that we could learn how to do that in class. Also having a professional, someone that has been doing slam poetry for a long time get up on stage and showing me and the rest of the audience how its REALLY done was also exciting. I think for the next Coffee House Reading we should have more slam poerty performers, that really gets the audience hyped.

vicky1234 said...

i loved lastnight, it was such a experience i was also nervous but who cares i still did it with pride and love of my major the whole time i was looking at my family&friends so i really didnt get to nervous

jeneeskinner said...

Most of the pieces gave me new thoughts, theories, and quotes for my future poems and proses. Overall the meeting alright everyone did fine on their pieces.

Zach Gilbert said...

Although I did feel a bit inferior compared many of the others poems, overall I'd say I felt pretty good. If I had to do it again, I would make more guestures, and move aroound the stage. I learned that pills calm your nerves, and make it everything better. It really didn't do as bad as I thought I would do. I sound much too quiet though. Not much surprised me other than the fact that I got applause. I enjoyed Khari's performance. In both of them he displayed some courage that I could never do, walking around and such. I enjoyed the Slam poetry and the flyer-ladie's performance. The freshman seemed much more confident. My parents enjoyed the performance, and congratulated me, although I still feel my poem had way too many flaws.

marissa said...

I think that I did a good job. I was nervous but when I did it, it was not that bad. It was actually fun after I did it I felt so releaved. I think that the 12th grader that did a poem about the goverment. she did such a great job. My mom and sister said that they had so much fun.

luvshay_shay said...

i think i did very good at the coffeehouse reading. i was very proud of myself because i was really nervous. but once i got up there and i was confident reading my poem up on the stage. after i got off the stage i felt good. the coffee house reading was nerve recking but it was kind of fun. My mom sad she was really proud of me and she really liked my poem. I really like the 12th graders that was talking bout the gorvernment issues. Her poem sounded more like a rap and that really kept my attention. I think all my freinds did really good also!!! I dont think that i would do another coffee house anytime soon. It makesme way too nervous lolz

Ta'Shae said...

Last night was very fun,and it was an experience to remember. My father and his close friend came last night and they both said that they enjoyed what you put together. My favorite poem was the slam poetry, it was very inspiring. Even though i was nervous to get up on stage, it was very fun.

Alex said...

i felt that i had did done well on wednesday. i was a little tired coming back from masterminds (and also a little sick from eating too much pizza). on top of that i was nervous, because i had to go third. but once i got up there, i went with it, and made it through the night (thank god). i also enjoyed the other performences, especially the slam poem and Jewels' candy poem (lol!)

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